Thursday, March 17, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

I'm thinking about adding Craig Ferguson to my harem but I'm not sure. I'm afraid the others might pick on him. Not Hugh, he's always nice, and I think he'd get along well with my husband. Idunno if Wolvie will be so happy though. He was thrilled when I dumped Tino. (Having a long-distance relationship just wasn't working for me and he's just a different person now that he's not wearing the pinstripes. So sad) I think Craig would find Sir Paul a bit intimidating. Perhaps Bobby could take him under his wing as his marinade assistant for a while, until he finds his place. Well, I guess I'll just fax him the application he requested and see how it goes.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

But Rima, Tino is wearing the pinstripes again...assuming you're talking about the Tino I think you're talking about.