Sunday, November 26, 2006

Shopping Safety Tips!

I was reading on a forum recently and a woman was saying how close she had been to marrying her boyfriend when she got a "sign from above" that saved her from a terrible mistake. She said she had thought he was wonderful, but the gift he gave her for Christmas showed "the real him". Yeah, I think it did, but I'm pretty sure that he was the one who dodged a bullet that day.

See, she expected fancy jewelery or something, but he gave her a roadside emergency kit. She thought that was thoughtless and cold. I see it completely differently. To me that says "I really love you and don't want to lose you, and if I can't be with you to protect you all the time, maybe this can help." Fancy jewelery says to me, "I got it 'cause I figured that's what chicks like." Now, if it were unusual jewelry that was obviously her style and not at all mainstream, I'd imagine some thought went into that and that would be nice. However, if my guy felt the need to get me something shiny and expensive, I'd hope he knew me well enough to realize that that's why She made Harley Davidson.

Guys, give what your heart says to, and if she doesn't like it, find a better woman. Really, women like the one who complained give the rest of us a bad reputation. Then the generalizations start. I hate those. I don't fit most of them and neither do the women I'm close friends with. I have noticed, though, that we have quite lovely men who adore us, while the foofy girls are either still looking or working their way through a chain of losers. Not that I've felt terribly festooned lately...

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