Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I just found out that Craig Ferguson owns an Indian. The bike he spilled on was a Harley, and from the description, I'd say that he wasn't riding like an ass, he was riding a model that is very difficult to handle and has that reputation. Don't know why they even make them, other than Wolvie digs them. With this information, he has knocked me dead, right into a puddle of my own drool.

**For legal reasons pertaining to head harem boys and any potential future employment by Worldwide Pants, I did not write this post. It was an impostor. It couldn't have been me, as I am dead. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.**


Anonymous said...

We have this HUGE Harley dealership right here near Dogpatch. Once every summer all these bikers invade the town as a benefit for the "sacred mills of Hunt" (don't mind me I think the locals worship the mills and not some superior being or practice). Anyhoo...they are loud (the hogs and their owners) and hoggy (the hogs and their owners) and discourteous (just the owners). I hope your St. Craig is not one of them.

Rima said...

By all accounts, he's a gentleman. Plus, he owns an Indian, not a Harley. But I'd own one and I'm not discourteous.