Saturday, November 04, 2006

Knitting Makes You Fat?

Somebody said that. They said it's because it's a sedentary activity. Now, I suppose that if you have stopped all your marathon running and lap swimming to sit and knit, that could be so, but for me, I no longer eat in front of the tv because I'm busy knitting, and I can get a bit obsessive when I'm working on something as well, so sometimes I don't even eat all my meals. When I'm sitting in all the doctor/therapist/kids' classes waiting rooms, I'm using my hands instead of staring at those mind-numbing magazines.

I've lost about ten pounds since I've really gotten into it. I love it when my doc asks me what my weight maintenance plan is. He should know not to ask by now, but maybe he does it for the entertainment factor. "Well, I went and had one more kid than I can really handle, so I just burn everything off with stress and constant struggle." "I've taken up knitting." He just loves me. I think I'm going to give up soda. That will blow his mind.


Anonymous said...

Yeah right. Knitting makes me fat and spinning gives me arthritis in my ankles. Durn. Can't win for losing.

Rima said...

Spinning gives you arthritis in your ankles? Huhwhut? If anything, it keeps those joints moving and avoids it. Now repetitive motion syndrome, well, that's another story. But so worth it.

Anonymous said...

I have a six-foot wide knitting frame that I have to walk/jog back and forth along to move the carriage when I knit really wide things, like afghans. Not so sedentary!