Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hanging in

Life sucks right now. When you go to the doc and the nurse looks alarmed and the doc keeps exclaiming and saying how bad he feels for you, you know you're miserable. My daughter isn't any better. She's dehydrated and might have to have IV fluids. The pain in her abdomen is not better. Even though that's typical of Coxsackie, they ruled out appendicitis as well. I managed to get a popsicle and a half into her so she hasn't throw up her medicine. I hope it actually gets absorbed instead of sitting there until it comes back up hours from now. I left a desperate message on my husband's voice mail, but all that will do is make him upset. It won't help anybody. I guess I shouldn't have done that. I have desperate moments.

At least I'm breathing a bit easier than I was yesterday. I have bronchitis on the verge of pneumonia. I'm taking a really good antiboitic that gets right in the first day and I'm also taking methylprednisolone, which is a steroid that you take a massive dose of and then taper it off for the rest of the week. The pills taste like death. I have to dip them in honey not to throw up. My daughter took prednisolone a couple of times when she had severe asthma attacks and pneumonia. Let's just say that when you have the sweetest little girl in the world and she suddenly turns into the Hulk, well, not a good side-effect. I already have a quick and hot temper and am under stress like you wouldn't believe, overworked, short-handed, feeling overwhelmed and not very friendly. The very last thing I need at this time is roid rage. Thank goodness for the two Ben & Jerry pints that Peapod brought yesterday. Assuming I can stomach ice cream, it could save all of us.

I wish I had a movie to watch. I have "The Big Tease" and "King Kong vs. Godzilla" next up from Netflix, but they probably will get here Saturday at the earliest. I do have some interesting Hugh stuff to watch. Maybe I'll do that. It's just I need something the kids will be interested in too, or they'll be a PITA. Ah well. It's going to be a long day. Boring, but not because I won't be busy. Just because it's no fun. If all goes well, I can be bored and overworked at home instead of in the ER. Keep your toes crossed.

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