Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm Officially Toasted

My brain is gone, completely gone. I sent my daughter to check on the baby because he was being so quiet that I figured he was up to something. Oh he was up to something alright. Sleeping in my lap!!!!!!!!! God I'm messed up.


Christina Wible said...

Nah, its called "kid brain." One of my friends, in the throes of kid brain cut up her husband's meat into tiny pieces while talking to the man next to her at a swank dinner party.

Anonymous said...

If you're having trouble with your toast (and it sounds like you are), I'm sure Gigi would be glad to help.

Ladycape (obviously also toasted)

Rima said...

Oh yeah, I've done the meat thing too, but thankfully not in public. He was amused.