Tuesday, December 07, 2004

My Lyrics Are Bettah

I was listening to Elton J0hn's "Tiny Dancer" today. Now, this song came out when I was but a wee bairn, so I've heard it about a thousand times and know the words. Yet today, I heard it with fresh ears. Here's how I heard it:
"Hold me closer, Tony Danza. Count the headlice on the highway."

I wish I could claim drunkenness, but alas, I can't. I'm all natural.

1 comment:

chaeign said...

december is the month where the radio turns into the nostalgia box, and we embrace that, listening to holiday music like we actually enjoy it. the small folks learn lyrics as i sing them, and i particularly like the line in "Home for the Holidays" that goes:
"from atlantic to pacific /gee, your hair sure smells terrific". i don't know what mr. como originally wanted that line to be, but that's the way i always sing it, and therefore, that's what my children sing as well. ah, the hidden joy of parenting.