Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Love This Time of Year

So the Jankees have made the AL East title again, which the Sux were also going for. I hope they make it to the series, but I'm going to Boston in October. I will have to hide any trace of NY from my accent. I'm going to have to go undercover. Kristin says I should call things "wicked spooney" and I'm in.

Tino finds this all very amusing. Now that he's retired, he has discovered existentialism and it's all dust in the wind to him as he looks up through the apple tree in the yard, making shapes from the clouds. My other harem boys say it's just doobage. Tattletales. I don't know why they can't get along better. All I know is that the first one to make me some smoked brisket gets a b- *cough cough* pardon me- a reward.

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