Saturday, August 04, 2007

I Wish...

Bugs wouldn't find me so tasty.

My internal clock weren't backwards.

People had a clue.

That when my husband sneezes while driving my car, he'd wipe the front windshield.

The fire department wouldn't put on the sirens just because my CO detector was going off.

I were skilled at "magic darts" haha!

Autumn would get here already because summer sucks.

Pie weren't fattening.

There were 36 hour days so I could get more sleep and still get something done before the next day came along.

I could have a dog.

My sweater would magically frog itself back to row 8 of the decrease section so I could continue on my merry way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great bug repellent: 5 drops peppermint oil, 5 drops lemon grass oil, 5 drops lavender oil and 4 oz. spring water. Mix in spray bottle. Shake. Spray on skin. Works great and isn't stinky/sticky!

evilleking (too lazy to sign in)