Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's in the Genes

We were at the beach today, and my three-year-old son gave me a reminder that yep, he's my kid. He had found a rock that he liked and wanted to show me. Most kids his age would say "Ooh look! Pretty rock!", but not him. He said "Look mama! I found a piece of granite! It has a lot of mica! You can see it sparkling!" (he was correct, by the way) This was followed by him panicking because he couldn't find his sunglasses. He was very relieved when I informed him that he was wearing them.
He gets the smarts from both sides. The rest, well...I've given up being embarrassed. Life's too short and too busy. Hmm...too short, too busy, REMIND YOU OF ANYONE???? Hee hee! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

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