Sunday, February 18, 2007

Special Project

I'm working on one and it's moving along nicely, apart from it being literally freezing in the room where I mostly need to work on it. Some people don't believe I'm doing it, I'm sure. Some think I'm crazy (which would help anyway), but mostly people think it's great. Not sure what my husband thinks. He might not want to tell me. Anyway, I'm filled with squee over it and I'm not telling you what it is. Heh. Just that I need a babysitter and a pair of brass ovaries.


Christina Wible said...

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

Rima said...

You already know what it is, I think. I announced it in eegee's office.

Christina Wible said...

Hahaha. I didn't know you needed to do it in a cold room!

Rima said...

Well, David Letterman thinks so. But our computer is in a room that was missing the ceiling for a while and was very cold! Brian just insulated it today and it's no longer a refrigerator. Yay.