Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Shitteriffic Day

I guess there's not much more I need to add to that. Except FUCKIN' IPOD!!!!!


Christina Wible said...

Awww. Did it die?

Now, quietly, step away from the IPOD. Go to the stove. Brew up a cup of camomile tea. Sit at the table and watch the child chaos around you, detached as you murmur your mantra...Hughey, Hughey, Hughey...

Anonymous said...

No, if it died, I'd have to kill it. The ipod is fine, it's the stupid software that sucks. Brian did something or other and made it better. Hopefully it will work later. And the child chaos was a bad thing. What I needed was some nice, soft wool in my hands and a little comedy. And some Springsteen. Well, for the moment, anyway. I really need a lobotomy.

Christina Wible said...

I don't have an IPOD because I refuse to buy in to their monopoly of what you put on it. I do have RCA and ScanDisk pseudopods (not to be confused with the creepy crawlies) and both of their software sucks. The RCA requires that you load files in backward order from which you want them played. I have yet to figure out how the ScanDisk works and have at times taken to beating it agains the elliptical machine in the gym causing the trainers to worry.

I'm a geek for pete's sake, I should be able to do these things.

(The word verification below is umpfss which reminds me of my mood tonight)

Anonymous said...

Monopoly of what you put on it? You can put whatever you want on it. I haven't bought any of their stuff. It's all my music and a few pics of my kids.

Christina Wible said...

I thought they required you to buy from the ITunes store?

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not at all! The Itunes store is for when you like a song but don't want to pay $20 for a whole CD of crap you don't want. You can just download the one song from itunes. I just haven't gotten around to that yet, but no, you download whatever you want. I put my cd in the player and load what I want onto my music program or the itunes software (whichever decides to cooperate that day) and download it onto my ipod. I have stuff from other places on the internet too, like my friend Steve playing violin and guitar. It's fab. I love my ipod, I just hate dealing with the computerness of it.