Thursday, February 08, 2007

Things I Don't Really Need to Know About

I went through the drive-thru and the girl there had her tongue pierced. Whatever, no big deal, perfectly usual, except that attached to the stud was a chain with a ring on the end. It just hung out of her mouth and flopped around when she talked. WTF????? It doesn't look terribly decorative and I can't imagine what social statement it could possibly make other than "Duh", but I was trying not to gag. I mean, how could you not gag with that on? And wouldn't you drool a lot and it would all drip down the chain? This must be an incredible show of self-control or of deadened nerves. I'm going with number two.

And on the way home, I passed a salon that had a sign out front advertising "brow threading". What the hell is that?????? No, please don't tell me. Please. I don't want to know.

1 comment:

Christina Wible said...

Oh ewwwwwww.