Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Mystery of Self

I'm not a gemini, nor do I have any kind of disassociative disorder, but I feel so conflicted. I have a really hard time reconciling my humanitarian, compassionate half, who always feels bad for people who are hurting, wants to help, believes in human rights, live and let live, etc. with the misanthropic side of me who is subjected to daily demonstrations that people are fucking fuckwits, and the world would be far better off if humans just spontaneously combusted. That side of me also wants to smack people.


Christina Wible said...

All the time, I do that all the time. And I can't express it out loud. It's the collar, you know.

Anonymous said...


Lick My Sticks said...

I am a Gemini, and I feel exactly the same way. EXACTLY.