Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm still a little queasy

There are times when a writer gets a big punch in the stomach. Today, I am that writer. I almost lost it. I almost called my mentor in a big panic. I figured he'd understand, but I don't know whether he could have understood what the hell I was saying. I have put months of painstaking work into this story, and I've thoroughly loved every second of research that leads to more research, and the idea of it now all being a useless pile of poop sent me into a tailspin. However, I've decided to twist this somehow. I'm going to use this to make it better, rather than as a stroke of shitty luck. At least that's the plan. Can I do it? I guess it will be a test of my abilities. :P

1 comment:

CTJen said...

Yes, you can do it! :-)