Sunday, March 20, 2005

One of Life's Mysteries Solved

I used to wonder why people took drugs. Now I know. Today I have been bitten, smacked in the face with a handful of toilet water, lost a handful of hair, wrestled a very surprisingly strong baby to keep him from flinging poop and throwing himself onto his head off the couch while he screamed like he was being murdered, which only resulted in both of us being covered with diaper ointment. He is on his third outfit. My daughter is on her second. I have a feeling we'll be changing her clothes again today as well. They kept me up last night, fighting over the blankets. I am so tired and headachy. The baby is finally asleep on my lap, which leaves the girls to scream at each other, hopefully without anyone getting hurt. Now I only wonder why people who don't have children take drugs.


Mike Todd said...

This is funny stuff! I'll be back...

Anonymous said...

Do you co-sleep with your kids? I do with mine often, but not every night. He always scooches me over to the edge of the bed, and I never really fall into a deep sleep because I worry that he'll suffocate. He has a habit of turning around so that his head is at my feet.


Rima said...

I have Angus' crib bumped up against my side of the bed with the rail off so he sleeps next to me. The girls sleep in my bed until Brian gets home from work. Then he carries them to their room. They usually both sleep in Alex's bed. I'm the only one in the family who isn't a bed hog and isn't confounded by the rectangular shape of a blanket.