As I was cooking dinner last night, I thought of all those stupid commercials for things like Hamburger Helper or Shake N' Bake. The ones where they're sitting around the table laughing and nodding, but not speaking, presumably because their mouths are full of food. They just look at each other and nod and laugh. I'm picturing
Mom: Fun, isn't it?
Kids: Yeah! Chicken is waaaay more fun than the stuff we ate yesterday!
Dad: Thanks hon, this chicken is actually hilarious!
But it's all being implied with their expressions, and of course, being such a close family now that they have this product, they understand each other completely.
I might be a bad person, but I want to hit them all. Possibly knock their heads together because they're acting so stupid. Maybe mom just can't take it anymore and made it mushroom flavored.
The actors aren't saying anything because they have to be paid more if they have a speaking role...
Of course, but to keep the actors from speaking, they need a reason for the characters to not speak. So why are the characters not speaking? Because the food is sooooooooo good!
What I want to know is, why can't George Clooney or Tom Cruise be the "Dad" in those commercials? After all, they're just working actors too, right? They could probably do a better job of selling that crap then the people in those commercials. Now, I'm not talking about Tom Cruise being a spokesperson for Shake N' Bake, but actually just playing the "Dad" in those please-buy-our-product-because-look-how-happy-it-made-this-family commercials.
Hey Shannon! I didn't realize the Mason Dixon line ran through Jersey, but okay! Y'all have a nice day now! (You noticed my abs but not my boob lift?)
You know, Kristin, I bet they advertise this sort of thing in Japan.
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