Saturday, June 03, 2006

Do they make really long straws?

Monday is my father's memorial and we'll be having a party in his honor but I have no champagne flutes. Why? The same reason I have lived here for almost ten years with no curtains. Because there are none that I like. Yeah, I have a couple of cheap, ugly ones that my husband and I use for ourselves, but not enough for guests, so we needed to buy some.

Originally, I told my husband to just pick up some plain, cheap flutes. He said he didn't know when he'd get to do that so I told him not to worry, that I'd run out today and get some. I don't know why I thought I could do that. If he had just gotten some plain, cheap flutes, I would have been fine with that. However, I can't do that myself. I just can't. I have to look at every glass at every store nearby in every price range and reject it. If I actually have to look for them, take them off the shelf, pay for them, and bring them home, they must shake my maracas and that didn't happen. If I didn't have the children, who were being very patient despite being tired and hungry, I could have headed to Williams Sonoma, which had some very nice ones in their catalog. I would have had a stroke if the store didn't have them, but that's to be expected. Meanwhile, no glasses, and can I just say that taking three young kids through the breakables section of several stores in a row is enough to give me a nervous breakdown.

I hate when something turns out to be a mission for me because it's always a failure. My secondary mission was to find something nice to wear. I left the house with realistic expectations for that one. I didn't even conduct a proper search, just quick scans as I went by the racks. After a lifetime of that aggravation, it wasn't worth it. So my next mission failure will be cleaning the house. I'm going to clean the toilet and maybe the kitchen floor. I will not give myself a migraine over it. I still don't know how we'll be drinking the champagne though.

If I had a brain, I would have ordered the glasses online a long time ago. Duh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I think Ikea has plain flutes. Not exactly a neighborhood store, but a thought. I suppose if you're going to trek out there you might as well go to WS and get the ones you like.