Here I can let out all the little stupid things that are poking me in the brain. Then they can poke you in the brain too.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Quote of the Day
My kids are playing a racing video game. There was some kind of glitch, and the car just suddenly appeared somewhere else. My daughter yelled "Ooh! Wormhole!" and my son angrily replied "DON'T YOU CALL ME A WORMHOLE!!!" Special.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Quotes of the Day
5yo: Do they have beer with the happy meals?
7y0: Do you think that when I wake up on my birthday, there will be a spiral sliced ham on my bed?
7y0: Do you think that when I wake up on my birthday, there will be a spiral sliced ham on my bed?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thank you, Facebook for providing me the opportunity to receive the following message:
i was trying to pet your monkey and accidentally attacked it. sorry, i didnt mean to attack your monkey. but i did pet you monkey several times.
It made my day.
i was trying to pet your monkey and accidentally attacked it. sorry, i didnt mean to attack your monkey. but i did pet you monkey several times.
It made my day.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The other day I was in the gaming store and got hit on by a young geek boy. Alas, he wasn't cute. I'm sure he was a virgin. We were looking at D&D books and he seemed pretty excited to see me, and asked me if I played and was here for the meetup. I don't think there was one at that time, actually. I told him I was there while my CHILDREN were playing Pokemon. This didn't seem to deter him. He invited me to the monthly meetup, which, from his enthusiasm, I am going to assume has no chicks in it.
While hanging out there, I had a Sky Bar, which I haven't had in forever. I've forgotten what cheap crap chocolate tastes like. Blech. I've become spoiled. I'm not sure there was even any cocoa in that. Ah well. At least I had a nice time taunting the kid who keeps losing his pen and mooching from everyone else. Cute little fellow.
While hanging out there, I had a Sky Bar, which I haven't had in forever. I've forgotten what cheap crap chocolate tastes like. Blech. I've become spoiled. I'm not sure there was even any cocoa in that. Ah well. At least I had a nice time taunting the kid who keeps losing his pen and mooching from everyone else. Cute little fellow.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Dear Samantha Brown
Dear Samantha Brown,
Please STFU! You are an embarrassment to Americans everywhere. Nobody thinks you're cute when you ask an obviously stupid and ignorant question that you KNOW is obviously stupid and ignorant. You can't even be bothered to learn how to pronounce the name of the place you're visiting. You are not a traveler, you are a tourist. Thank the gods for Anthony Bourdain.
With Restraint,
Please STFU! You are an embarrassment to Americans everywhere. Nobody thinks you're cute when you ask an obviously stupid and ignorant question that you KNOW is obviously stupid and ignorant. You can't even be bothered to learn how to pronounce the name of the place you're visiting. You are not a traveler, you are a tourist. Thank the gods for Anthony Bourdain.
With Restraint,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Harem Boys
Monday, June 08, 2009
Car Conversation
While on a long trip today, all was quiet, and then out of the blue my 5yo announced the following: "If I'm ever stuck at the bottom of a pit, I hope my whole family is in there with me". Gee, thanks kid.
So then my daughter asked him if he thought it would be better to NOT have us all stuck down there with him so that maybe we could rescue him. He made a new announcement.
"If I'm ever stuck at the bottom of a pit, I hope my whole family isn't stuck in there with me, so that they can rescue me."
So then my daughter asked him if he thought it would be better to NOT have us all stuck down there with him so that maybe we could rescue him. He made a new announcement.
"If I'm ever stuck at the bottom of a pit, I hope my whole family isn't stuck in there with me, so that they can rescue me."
Monday, May 18, 2009
I'm still a little queasy
There are times when a writer gets a big punch in the stomach. Today, I am that writer. I almost lost it. I almost called my mentor in a big panic. I figured he'd understand, but I don't know whether he could have understood what the hell I was saying. I have put months of painstaking work into this story, and I've thoroughly loved every second of research that leads to more research, and the idea of it now all being a useless pile of poop sent me into a tailspin. However, I've decided to twist this somehow. I'm going to use this to make it better, rather than as a stroke of shitty luck. At least that's the plan. Can I do it? I guess it will be a test of my abilities. :P
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Happy Celebration of the Maternal Unit
Mothers' Day is an interesting concept. It seems simple enough, but like being a mother, it isn't. In any case, the kids and I will go to my mom's for the afternoon. I informed my 5yo that tomorrow he can't give me any trouble. Whatever I tell him to do, he has to just say "Yes, Mama" and do it. The look on his face was priceless. He didn't expect that one bit. He expected that he'd get to eat cake and that was it. I could see him wondering whether it was some kind of legal thing or if he could get away with bending that rule.
I did get an interesting greeting though. I get a weekly email from my grocery delivery service. This week's subject line: "Hot Meat Specials for Mothers' Day". Yeah, um, that's really thoughtful of you all, but I'm all set for that, thanks.
I did get an interesting greeting though. I get a weekly email from my grocery delivery service. This week's subject line: "Hot Meat Specials for Mothers' Day". Yeah, um, that's really thoughtful of you all, but I'm all set for that, thanks.
Friday, April 17, 2009
THIS is why I had children!
Have you seen the Chuck E. Cheese's commercial with the new "25 cent fun" slogan? Well it came on and my 7yo said "I'll show you 25 cent fun". She went and got a quarter, dropped it into the swear jar, and yelled "Crap!" and beamed with joy. Moments like that make it all worth it!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Someone in Arizona is crazy and wonderful. I was having a rather crappy day today when I decided to get the mail. In it was a plain white envelope with "LSG" as the only return address. Inside was an origami strawberry and five of those plastic fortune telling fish thingies that curl up in your hand. I really needed that silliness! Thank you LSG Postal Ninja, whoever you are! XOXOXOXO!

Thursday, April 09, 2009
The Vapors

I always wondered what it meant when I'd read that someone had the vapors. I noticed that it was only women, but I figured it was because they were thought of as so weak and fragile. Someone told me that it was gas, and that it would get trapped and painful because of corsets. People could die of the vapors if the corset caused gastric torsion, but I finally looked it up and found that it was more mental than physical in its symptoms.
The vapors was their way of saying PMS. How one dies of PMS, I don't know, but here's a nice picture of a lady with the vapors. I think her husband asked her why she was so cranky that day
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Admiring the Architecture of New Harem Boy
I have to stay up until the laundry is done, and I am too tired to have a brain, so here are some pretty pictures. Again, I messed with a couple because I'm that way. I don't know why Blogger has cut them off on the right, but they're still lovely.
#1 Auditioning for the exotic dancing portion of the harem duties.

#2 Working at his primary duty of looking pretty for Mistress. Nice touch with the eye sparkle. He gets extra dessert.

#3 Thinking that his encroachment on Wolverine's territory was totally worth it.
#1 Auditioning for the exotic dancing portion of the harem duties.
#2 Working at his primary duty of looking pretty for Mistress. Nice touch with the eye sparkle. He gets extra dessert.
#3 Thinking that his encroachment on Wolverine's territory was totally worth it.
#4 Stunned by my beauty
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Parenting WIN!
My daughter had been using newspaper for an "arps and craps" project. When I went up to get her laundry, the newspapers were all over the place in a big mess, so I told her to collect them all and take them out of her room. Of course, this meant to put them in the newspaper bin. However, her alien brain works differently. For some reason, she got one of those green supermarket shopping bags, put all the newspapers in it, and put the whole thing in the livingroom, where one of the younger podlings dumped it all over the couch, followed by youngest podling tripping on the bag.
Of course, I yelled at her. I didn't understand why she didn't just put them in the bin, which was infinitely more simple than the option she chose. I, still shreiking, said that I hadn't told her to put them in a grocery bag in the livingroom, to which she replied, "You didn't tell me not to."
I told her "Do not pull that crap with me, child!" Following her around like a crazy stalker, and still yelling, I asked if she had eaten any, because I hadn't told her not to. Did she stick any up her butt? I hadn't told her not to. Did she pack any up and send them to a needy family in Cambodia, because I hadn't told her not to! She was half laughing, half terrified. She thought I had finally lost my mind. (Little does she know that it's long gone).
That's right, kid. You cannot outsmartass me. I'm where you got your smartassery from!!! I've been a smartass many years longer than you have. It just ain't gonna happen.
Of course, I yelled at her. I didn't understand why she didn't just put them in the bin, which was infinitely more simple than the option she chose. I, still shreiking, said that I hadn't told her to put them in a grocery bag in the livingroom, to which she replied, "You didn't tell me not to."
I told her "Do not pull that crap with me, child!" Following her around like a crazy stalker, and still yelling, I asked if she had eaten any, because I hadn't told her not to. Did she stick any up her butt? I hadn't told her not to. Did she pack any up and send them to a needy family in Cambodia, because I hadn't told her not to! She was half laughing, half terrified. She thought I had finally lost my mind. (Little does she know that it's long gone).
That's right, kid. You cannot outsmartass me. I'm where you got your smartassery from!!! I've been a smartass many years longer than you have. It just ain't gonna happen.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My Triumphant Return!
It's been a shamefully long time since I've posted here. I've been trying to learn to edit video, make screencaps, use photo editors, etc. so I will begin my return with a picspam of my newest harem boy. The last picture is for those of you who can't figure out who he is. Yes, I've altered a couple. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
How to Broil a Steak
Put the steak into a preheated oven set on broil. When the smoke detector starts screaming, it's time to flip the steak. When the oven decides that it's so hot that it must lock itself for your safety, it's time to turn it off. When the oven finally stops holding your dinner hostage, and allows you to unlock it, steak is perfectly done. You're welcome.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Have a Good Journey, My Friend
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